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天使灵气是一项被英国“The Healer Foundation"认证的一个完整的天使疗愈系统。 牠也是一个从”光的天使王国“经由英国的Kevin Core直接传送下来的疗愈系统。

天使灵气是一个”多重次元“的疗愈, 能够疗愈我们的身体, 精神体, 情绪体及灵魂体。 而且是跨次元的疗愈我们的”因“, 同时也疗愈创造此”因“的所有人事物。 所以我们只是一个纯净的管道, 让天使国度的疗愈能量能够通畅无阻的经由我们输送到有需要的人, 动物或事物上。 我们不需要担心是否对的灵气符号被输入或是对的身体部位被疗愈, 因为所有的疗愈都是天使完美的疗愈输送!

天使灵气与任何宗教信仰无关。 牠只是純粹的宇宙疗愈系统。 合适所有不同阶层的人。

  • 想要更了解自己, 改变自己从而实行自己的人生目的, 让自己活得更自由, 喜悦,丰盛, 更多的爱与平静!

  • 让疗愈师的您多一门疗愈技巧来服务人群!

  • 想要成为一位专业的疗愈师或灵性导师!

  • 或只是想学一门疗愈技巧来疗愈自己和家人朋友等等。

无论是什么原因让您来到这一项课程, 请相信一切都是天使国度与您的守护天使给您最好的安排!
请打开您的心让自己臣服于天使的恩宠当中, 因为您是值得一切美好的!

英国官方网站: https://angelicreikiinternational.com/







Angelic Reiki is a complete system of hands-on energy healing which was channeled from the Archangel Metatron through Kevin Core (UK) in 2003. Today, Angelic Reiki is taught and practiced worldwide. Angelic Reiki continues to evolve with the new energies affecting our planet and human consciousness. Angelic Reiki is a powerful system of healing and personal empowerment which includes cleansings and attunements from the Angelic Kingdom. Any one benefits from receiving Angelic Reiki healing.

Welcome to Angelic Reiki!

You are here and the timing is perfect.
Everything has its time and place.
Nothing is a coincidence.
Everything has been mapped;
You are here. You are ready.
Now, is the time.
It is time for self-discovery, self-empowerment, and personal change.
It is time for knowing, learning, wisdom and greater awareness.
It is time for connecting with your true self and the gifts you have always possessed.
It is time for confronting your current realities and seeking the truth within you.
It is time to open your heart to greater love.
Blessings upon you as you begin your journey to heal…to wholeness…to the Divine. 


Angelic Reiki is a system of healing and personal empowerment which includes cleansings and attunements received directly from the Angelic Kingdom. The Angelic Reiki Master Teacher facilitates this process.

Reiki symbols of Divine vibration, once lost when man lost his connection to the Source, is now re-established for humanity’s access. Suitable for beginners and spiritual adepts, this healing system creates a conscious link with the Angelic dimension. The Angels themselves do all the attunements in this system through the Angelic Kingdom of Light. Angelic beings are empirical in all religions.

While Angelic Reiki is spiritual in nature, it is not a religion. Nevertheless, the use of Angelic Reiki will put you in touch with the Divine Nature and the Universal Life Force.

The primary purpose of Angelic Reiki is to support Light Workers through the present changes. The workshops can simply be taken for one’s own use or to pass on to others.

Come and experience the gift and empowerment through working with the Divine.


Who May Attend?

This course is for anyone who wants to discover the power of self-healing and/or to heal others through an alternative and complementary holistic healing method. Come and empower your self, whether you are just plain curious and wish to learn more about Angelic Reiki or you are currently an Usui Reiki or other energy healing practitioner who wants to further your spiritual experience,
The use of Angelic Reiki is simple and not subject to one’s intellectual capacity or spiritual development. It has been taught to many people of all ages and diverse background.

What will you get from the workshop?

Participants will receive initiations and attunements enabling them to become pure channel for Angelic energies. During the workshop changes on the levels of consciousness, molecular, cellular and DNA take place. You will definitely receive a unique personal healing experience at the spiritual level. You will also learn how to prepare a space for healing and the importance of spiritual etiquette. You will receive a comprehensive workshop manual and hands-on practice will be experienced throughout the workshop.

Upon completion of the workshop you will receive a Master Crystal and be presented with a recognized International certificate. You will be placed on the Angelic Reiki e-mail group to receive regular email updates from Christine Core on the on-going developments of the Angelic Reiki Organization around the world.