h Angelic Reiki Level 1 & 2 - Crystal Bracelets | Chakra Bracelets | Energy Bracelets | Crystal Pendants and Necklaces | Yoga Bracelets

英国天使灵气初阶工作坊 (Angelic Reiki Level 1 & 2)

天使灵气初阶工作坊的内容 :

1. 天使灵气与天使原型的说明。

2. 学习如何净化与提升空间频率,将空间奉献给光的天使国度。

3. 天使灵气初阶的清理 :

★ 切断累世业力,清理和清理脉轮并构建光的管道。
★ 解除过往的誓言与契约
★ 移除外星植体晶片与非光灵体。
★ 四个体系(身体、情绪体、心智体、灵性体)三重光栅的清理。
★ 唤回并且修补灵魂碎片,回归神性单子(Divine Monad)。
★ 进入亚特兰提斯的水晶进行疗愈与自我防护,将自己建构为百分之百的纯光实体。

4. 天使国度进行灵气初阶的点化。

5. 天使王子(Mighty Sarim)带领30位大天使的点化与赐福。

6. 大天使麦达昶与上主默基瑟德(Lord Melchizedek)的扬昇赐福。

7. 六种天使灵气疗癒方法的学习:




9.学习如何布置天使圣坛,改变房间的频率,使其维持天使振动频率 。


如果您真想要完全负责自己的人生, 那么英国天使灵气课程适合您。



>> 请穿著宽松舒适的衣服。
>> 请自備饮用水。
>> 成功完成所有课程者将被颁发国际认证的天使灵气证书。
>> 一颗轻松来体验天使能量的心即可。



汇款后,请电邮通知我们 (enquiry@earthflame.com.my)或是Whatsapp我们 012-444 9676。


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For Personal Development (Healing Techniques for Personal Well-being)

This is the foundation workshop to Angelic Reiki. 

To participate in this workshop is to awaken the Healer in you.

All Participants receive hands-on practical session, and learn:

  • Importance of chakras & spiritual etiquette
  • How to be a Healing Channel
  • Self-healing through intention
  • Healing with the Ascended Masters & Galactic Healers
  • Distant Healing
  • Past Life Healing
  • Attunement to the 1st & 2nd Degree

2 & ½ -day Workshop
The typical 2 1/2-Day Workshop Schedule: 

Day 1 :  Friday 15/03/2024 (3.00pm – 6.00pm) 
Day 2 & 3 : Saturday & Sunday 16 & 17/09/2023 (10.00am – 5.30pm)

This time is needed for the participants to fully integrate the energy they would receive during the workshop. 

Total: 17 – 18 hours

Course Fee: RM1,800
**Course Fee includes a Master Crystal, Course Manual and a Certificate from UK!

Signing of both Level 1 & 2 and Level 3 & 4 together will get further discount.  Please enquire within.


Facebook Page: https://web.facebook.com/angelicreiki.my/

Official Website: http://www.angelicreikiinternational.com/

天使灵气高阶工作坊 - 3月 (29/03/2024 ~ 31/03/2024)





"I would like to share my experience. I attended the Angelic Reiki facilitated by Ally. During one of the healing sessions my healer said she felt a heaviness in my heart area. Indeed I had a heavy heart because I had a serious misunderstanding with my father. Towards the end of course we were asked to pick an angel card. My angel card says 'Parents' and that the angels are helping me heal the pain. A week later I got a call from my mother saying my father wants to talk to me. He had asked me to go home and for dinner. You see, my father is from the old generation where they don't express feelings and I think this is one way for him to say sorry and that he missed me. The reason for this sudden phone call? He dreamt of his father (my grandfather) asking for me. Perhaps he then realised that he needs to bury the hatchet with me. Thank you angels for helping me heal this and create an even better relationship with my father. I am glad that I attended the course and it is now more meaningful for me. It is miraculous."

学员的亲身体验与分享 ~ "这位学员从来没有上过任何的灵气或能量课程。她纯粹是来体验什么是灵气。因为之前她有听友人说过灵气的神奇功效。她是一位专业人士,可以说是比较左脑型的人。 在课堂里,她第一次体验到能量及天使大师的存在,和其他并非言语所能解释的体验,让她感到很疑惑,到底她感受到的是真的吗? 在课堂里,我们有机会互相练习疗愈,结果帮她疗愈的学员告诉她心轮的沉重,而且当时候她也感应到她的心轮有一股能量流动着。 课程第二天回到家时,那晚她梦到了她外坡的父亲。因为当时候,他与父亲的关系有一点僵,已经有大概一个月冷战吧。所以那个梦和疗愈其实是疗愈她与父亲之间的关系。 第三天课程结束时,每个学员都抽了一张卡,看看天使要告诉他们的讯息。她刚巧抽到了“父母”。当时候,她愣了一下,觉得不可思议! 课程结束几天后的一天,她的妈妈打电话给她,告诉她爸爸要见她,要她回家吃饭。 而这是鲜少发生的,因为她的父亲是比较传统的,不懂得表达内心的感受。结果之后,她父亲告诉她梦见已过世的爷爷,在梦里爷爷问她的父亲:“你的女儿在哪里?” 梦醒过来,他意识到他必需释放所有的执着,再次联系回彼此的父女情!"

by Choo, CY (Completed on July 7, 2016) 

"My ankle is getting better day by day, I did daily self healing, space clearing and read the "Non-Interference Affirmation". The affect is truly amazing!

And I once again, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you. Thanks for giving a space, the opportunity to learn and transference knowledge from you and allowing me to experience the Angelic energy. Without such experience, I will never have the chance to experience the "light" energy, after-all, I have been consumed myself with a lot of dark energy throughout my childhood till before the day I attend your class. I am eternally grateful for experiencing Angelic Energy and able to use this powerful modality to break my dark energy cycle and help my parent. Thank you so much Ally! No word can describe how thankful and relief I am for a new beginning of my life."

by Boon Chuan (Completed in March 2017)